Our values and principles
• Values
Family is the Udaf 82’s core value.
Solidarity :
Family is where social links are first built. It is a place for dialogue, alterity and mutual support.
It can be a safe haven when one has to go through a difficult time in life. It also can also act as a buffer, to face or dampen the impact of economic, social and psychological difficulties, in times of crisis.
Learning :
Family is also a place of education, the first place of transmission of a culture, of learning about collective life....
Last but not least, family is an institution and as such, where privacy is first enforced.
• Principles
Democracy and responsibility :
Udaf 82 is organised to abide by basic principles of democratic governance, and to make sure all decisions are informed and supervised.
Commitment :
Udaf 82 encourages volunteers to take part in all animation and management activities.
Laïcité :
Udaf 82 strives to guarantee and uphold freedom of conscience for all. No action nor decision can lead to the undermining of one’s ability to express personal beliefs or convictions, within legal limits.
Citizenship :
When drawing plans for a new intervention, the Udaf 82 always seeks to defend fundamental rights and freedom, as well as social and political rights, by empowering each person, and encouraging citizenship and diversity.
Support :
All of Udaf 82’s interventions and services share the same definition of what it means to support a person. This facilitates dialogue, when it comes to explaining and evaluating practices.
The Global and Systemic Approach :
In French, a famous proverb goes as follows: “It takes a whole village to raise a child”. Similarly, Udaf 82 believes that it takes a whole society to support one citizen. Thus when faced with an intricate situation, the organisation cultivates a broader understanding of the issues at stake, correlated to people’s specific needs or expectations.
Quality :
Within its 3 divisions (Guardianships, Family, Housing), Udaf 82 implements a continuous process of improving interventions and services. This work is achieved by involving all volunteers, employees, service users themselves as well as partners.
Protection of personal data :
Since 2015 and 2018 respectively, Udaf 82 has welcomed one Data Protection Correspondent (DPC) and one Data Protection Officer (DPO).
The latter monitors data protection legislation and updates professionals, volunteers and service users on recent important changes. They are responsible for ensuring compliance with the legal framework, through a certain number of formalities (processing operations register, incidents and breaches management, handling complaints, analysing potential impacts, etc). They are a valuable resource as a referent for data protection: they inform, raise awareness, reassure and warn. They are also in contact with the National Commission on Data Processing and Liberties (CNIL). (French version is not inclusive and does not respect the CPO’s real gender)