Cnaf - Unaf - Udaf agreements on objectives
• Budget guidance
The Udaf network has acquired expertise in the field of budgetary support, by setting up administrative and judicial measures such as the Personalized Social Support Measure, the Judicial Support Measure and by developing "general public" services, personal microcredit and budgetary advice.
With the deployment of the Point Conseil Budget (PCB) labels by the State, the Udaf network has been able to further develop budget guidance for the general public.
The Point Conseil Budget are unconditional reception structures designed to support any person experiencing budgetary difficulties and in need of support.
The individual support activities offered by Udaf 82 are:
- a complete diagnosis of the family budget;
- information and advice on personal budgeting, credit and financial difficulties;
- work on conciliation with banks and search for preventive solutions before filing for overindebtedness;
- assistance in the preparation of over-indebtedness files;
- monitoring the situation of overindebted people;
- preparation of microcredit applications.
Collective support activities are organised on the theme of money, budgeting and consumption for other groups accompanied by the Housing or Family Pole.
• Parentalité Numérique
According to a survey conducted by Ipsos for Unaf and the Observatoire de la parentalité et de l'éducation numérique (Open) in August 2021, 46% of parents are asking for guidance in managing screens.
For more than 10 years, Unaf has been deploying multiple resources on digital parenting. Within the framework of the 2016-2021 objectives agreement between Unaf and the State, Unaf has deployed the "My child and screens" programme, which includes a website, resources for parents, a kit for professionals (from our network and partners) and support for the network's actions for parents. The challenge today is to make these resources better known.
This action has two objectives that respond to two different relevancies:
- to improve digital literacy in order to promote more civic inclusion, as illiteracy is a major obstacle to the promotion of autonomy, empowerment and assisted decision-making;
- supporting parenthood through the digital campus workshops, but also in interactions with the education system for the youngest children or in the development of self-critical thinking among teenagers with regard to misused information.
“Parents solos, quel boulot ?!”, support for the socio-professional integration of single-parent families
The aim of this confidential and free service is to welcome "single" parents, to offer them a time to listen and diagnose and to provide them with personalised support so that they can (re)find their place as social and economic players in society.
The missions of the scheme are:
- to identify and encourage the removal of obstacles to professional integration (mobility, childcare, parental and psychological support, etc.);
- help with managing family conflicts and budgets, etc., thanks to the intervention of a multidisciplinary team: social worker, psychologist, or other Family Centre services;
- organising individual or group workshops (self-esteem, interview preparation, citizenship training, digital workshops, peer support, etc.);
- to develop personal and professional skills: know-how, interpersonal skills and knowledge;
- facilitating the link with the various people involved in the person's pathway (Conseil Départemental, Pôle Emploi and other partners, etc.).
• Action Logement
Udaf 82 is now a partner of Action Logement, which aims to facilitate access to housing for employees by proposing a range of services adapted to the problems of each individual. Action Logement thus promotes the residential and professional mobility of employees, to the benefit of employment. Interventions are made in the form of loans, subsidies and rental allocations.
The Action Logement group, Unaf and Udaf wish to create a partnership chain around common issues:
- detecting, orienting, accompanying and improving the quality of life of employees in difficulty;
- to maintain housing and improve the economic situation of employees in difficulty;
- fighting against the social and territorial divide.
This partnership makes it possible to complete and strengthen the support for families and individuals in accessing and maintaining their housing.