• The Family Festival
Objectives :
Family associations have gathered to organise the 2nd edition of the Family Festival or Fête des Familles in French. During this event, they get to know each other better and share convivial moments. The goal is to develop, strengthen and structure Udaf 82 members’ relationships to one another, while respecting their diversity.
Description :
The Festival is set for one day. Volunteers from a variety of family organisations install and run stands, welcoming fellow members and families from all around the county to talk about their activities.
Parenthood and Education related organisations are invited as well.
Beyond the “fun event” aspect, the Family Festival is the foundation of a sustainable dynamic between members of our Union.
The latest Family Festival took place on the Sunday, the 2nd of October 2022 at the Marché Gare of Montauban, from 10am to 5pm.
We hope to renew this experience and maybe instore a yearly tradition.
D’Jaz is an experimental project funded by the Tarn-et-Garonne County Council and public authorities (DDETSPP).
With strong ethical values and intersectional lenses, professionals work towards the social and professional inclusion of young people aged 18 to 21 years old and who were placed under the care of child protection services. The aim is to identify their specific needs and preferences in order co-create a global support plan towards adulthood and autonomy.
Udaf 82 is an official member of the EASPD network. EASPD stands for European Association of Service Providers for People with Disabilities. It represents more than 20 000 services across Europe and promotes equal opportunities for people with disabilities through effective and quality support.
• A new day care project
Currently, Udaf 82 is in the process of building and opening a company childcare centre, with 39 multimodal places for 2024. We are set on making sure that the organisation and daily operation of the centre reflects our values (social bonding, solidarity, education and support).
Thus, all family and parenthood support services managed by the Udaf 82 will be present and accessible to parents.